Gegasoft Todo List Software is a windows
desktop Todo
list software which helps you store your small todo-works in a database with security of having password
protected. You can group your Todo's i.e. Website Todo's, Business Todo's, Personal Todo's etc.
Gegasoft Todo List Software causes you store your all important works which you want to do at the specified time. When your Todo is done at the time you can mark your Todo as done by clicking on a single button. Gegasoft Todo List Software lets you set the priority of the Todo. 0-Normal, 1-Medium, 2-High Priority. You can set priority to your Todo's at the time of adding new Todo to your database.
Multiple users can use this software having individual Todo's as individual password protected. A user can add new Group, delete a selected group, add a new Todo and Mark a Todo as done and can change his password.
1. Multi-user to-do list program
2. Each user can set password to its to-do's
3. Set Priority to your to-do's. a) Normal, b) Medium, and c) High Priority
4. Great look
5. User-friendly