Gegasoft Install Urdu Phonetic software installs complex script and right-to-left languages
East Asian Languages to your system just in one click. You don't need to follow the core/long procedure to
that languages to your system.
Step 01: click 'Start'
Step 02: click 'Control Panel'
Step 03: double click or open 'Regional and Language Settings' program.
Step 04: click the 'languages' tab
Step 05: Place a checkmark in the 'Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages' to true.
Step 06: click 'apply' or 'O.K' button
You may be asked to insert your Windows install CD, so insert your Windows XP-Service-Pack-II CD into your CD-ROM.
Step 07: reboot your system.
Gegasoft Install Urdu Phonetic lets you install right-to-left languages in just clicking on a single button. The rest process is done by the software. It has been included Urdu phonetic keyboard layout with Urdu fonts which helps you type Urdu language in Nastaleeq Font.
1. Installs right-to-left languages one click.
2. Installs nastaleeq fonts, quran words font, nasakh pakistani fonts
3. Phonetic Keyboard Layout
4. I386 folder added for Windows SP-II