The clipboard is a software facility that can
be used
for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste
It is most commonly a part of a GUI environment and is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary data
that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment via defined programming interfaces. A
typical application accesses clipboard functionality by mapping user input (key-bindings, menu selections,
to these interfaces.
Sure, sometimes we need to copy multiple items into the clipboard but the windows clipboard does not allow you to stove multiple items into it. So to solve this problem Gegasoft has made the [The Gegasoft Clipboard Enlister] program. It is a free clipboard manager like utility program which helps you enlist the clipboard text contents into its list. After enlisting you all required text contents it provides you facility to paste that contents into any text writing program by selecting that clipboard contents.
The Gegasoft Clipboard Enlister has option to start and stop watching for new clipboard copies contents at any time from the file menu. Further more you can save the clipboard contents list and open an saved clipboard contents list from the file menu. You can delete an Clipboard Enlisted Entry simple by clicking on the [Delete Entry] button.
The clipboard enlister allow you to save your clipboard list *.clst format which can be opened later. Allow Duplicates:
Gegasoft Clipboard Enlister gives you option that if the already enslisted clipboard content may be enlisted again or not. You can change this options by clicking on the Options Menu and choosing the [Allow Duplicates] menu item.
This software is best for enlisting clipboard contents and is a well clipboard manager program.